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Refund Policy

30-day money-back guarantee

Premium Members may request a full refund for the amount paid within 30 days of upgrading.
To receive a refund, login to your account and select cancel subscription or contact us by email at Please include your name and email address for your account and we’ll be happy to help you.

Upon receiving a refund, your account will be cancelled and you will no longer have access to Premium Features including package deals, non-delayed deals, economy plus deals and more.

Frequently asked questions:

Q. How long will my refund take to process?

A. Once we have processed and confirmed the refund, it will normally appear on the card charged within 5-10 business days, depending on the card and the bank that issued the card. If you do not see the refund within those 10 business days, please contact your bank for further information.

Q. Do Premium memberships automatically renew?

A. Yes. To ensure you never miss out on fantastic flight deals, your Premium membership will renew at the end of each billing period unless cancelled.
If you do not want your subscription to auto-renew, you may cancel your subscription before the renewal date. Once cancelled, you will continue to receive the emails you paid for until the end of your subscription, but you will not be charged again.  

Q. My membership automatically renewed. Can I get a refund?

A. No, automatic renewals are non-refundable. To receive a refund, please do so within 30 days of upgrading to Premium.

Q. I’m a portion of the way through my membership period and no longer plan on traveling. Do you offer prorated refunds?‍

A. No, we do not offer prorated refunds.

Q. Where can I find the complete terms and conditions?
